Who We Are

Hands-on in the fight against hunger

In a world with enough resources to feed everyone, no one should ever go hungry. And yet, every day people in every corner of the globe go to sleep on empty stomachs, including millions of malnourished children. We fight this reality by giving passionate people a hands-on way to create meals for families around the corner and around the globe. Our meal packing programs are a fun and inspiring way to make a tangible difference in the fight against hunger.  Will you join us?

Nutritious Food

In the United States, our work helps stock the shelves of local food pantries with highly nutritious meals. In developing nations, our meals fight chronic malnutrition in children and nourish families suffering from hunger.


Through meal packing events and community partnerships we educate thousands of adults and children about hunger’s devastating toll. These experiences inspire people to advocate and care for the hungry in their communities and around the world.

Packing Event


Meal packing events are a powerful, hands-on way to make a meaningful difference in someone’s life.  Appropriate for all ages and abilities, our events allow groups of all sizes to serve together and build camaraderie.

Fighting Hunger with Hope

As our world begins to recover from the pandemic, the most vulnerable in our communities are still suffering greatly from a lack of food. They need essential nutrition – and perhaps something even more powerful – hope.

Get Involved

You can make a difference

Sponsor a Packing Event

Meal packing events are a fun and hands-on way for your group to provide tangible relief for people suffering from hunger and malnutrition. The events are appropriate for all ages and abilities, so everyone can make a real impact.




Packing Events


Meals Distributed

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